The Sports Dispatch offers two advertising opportunities:

1) Site Sponsorship which consists of the one and only one banner advertising spot on the site.

If you have a banner ad that plays well visually on Blackberry, iPhone and other mobile devices, you may be interested in the site sponsorship opportunity. It's an opportunity to gain exclusive exposure to every visitor to the site. There is one and only one banner ad on the whole site and it could be yours. Opportunities are available in week, month and year increments.

2) Integrated product placement within a specific story.

The concept here is simple. We are all about a simple, clean site with engaging, entertaining and relevant sports content with witty headlines. Our stories allow for micro-targeting of your customer base and offer a much more effective way to gain exposure. We will work a link to your product or service into a story that we post on our site. Now, this is NOT an "advertorial" and we don't accept "advertising copy". We are not writing a story about your product. We are writing a story say about topical areas of interest in the world of sports, like Tiger Woods and the Ryder Cup team and offering you the opportunity to link your product, say a golf school in Florida directly from the article, thereby targeting the customers most likely to be interested in your story

To hear more about these opportunities or if you are interested in any advertising or partnership opportunities, please e-mail Jason at: